Solvay Business School (VUB)
Nikolay A. Dentchev

Solvay Business School (VUB) brings together both academia and business in search for sustainable business models of social entrepreneurship. VUB, in cooperation with three funding partners, Close The Gap, BNP Paribas Fortis and Euroclear - created the Chair for Social Entrepreneurship in October, 2015.

Their mission is to become a center of excellence for social entrepreneurship. They want to support social entrepreneurs in their ambition to develop entrepreneurial and innovative approaches for resolving the sustainability issues of our society. They would like to realize this by developing an interdisciplinary network.

Lab Contact

Lab Leader:
Nikolay A. Dentchev
Nikolay A. Dentchev is Co-Chair of Solvay Business School. He is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. He is the chair holder of the Solvay Business School (VUB), Chair for Social Entrepreneurship (founded in 2015 by Wolters Kluwer, Close The Gap and Euroclear) at the VUB and coordinator of NV Actief (KBC, Trividend, and Unizo) at KU Leuven. These two initiatives focus on encouraging social and student entrepreneurship.